Our People, Our Culture
Supporting Our People
At Xypex Australia, our foundations and business performance are a direct result of our people and their commitment in driving and delivering results. As an organisation, we believe in providing a well-supported work environment, which provides personal growth opportunities. Our commitment to this is supported by a blended learning approach, which is driven by the guiding principles of a 70:20:10 learning approach. We believe that learning is enhanced through Encouragement and Hands-on Experience, that is supported by the commitment of Self-Learning, Coaching and Mentoring Our People.
Cities and countries aren’t made of concrete, they are made of people, and we at Xypex Australia recognise that equality and inclusion of all people now and into the future are paramount for a contemporary Australia championing for Diversity.
Xypex Australia’s commitment is not only to ensure Sustainability in Concrete Infrastructure; it also lies in Supporting an Honourable Future for all People, by:
- The support and advocacy of the LGBTQ community and rights of same-sex marriage,
- Ensuring gender diversity and bias does not exist in remuneration, succession planning and reward,
- And, understanding that a rich, meaningful workforce is born through the breadth of cultural backgrounds.