Diffusion and absorption of moisture and aggressive substances into the concrete through the interconnected pores and cracks are the main processes of reinforced concrete structures deterioration. Xypex crystalline formation modifies the microstructure of the concrete by blocking the pores and healing the cracks permanently.
This technology can be introduced to the existing concrete structures as a coating system or to the under-construction structure as an admixture. Furthermore, Xypex provides permanent and reliable solutions for concrete repair and rehabilitation. Xypex database, which includes more than 150 testing reports conducted by independent parties, is strong documentation confirming the high performance of Xypex crystalline technology exposed to extreme hydrostatic pressure and severe environmental conditions.

The Xypex Australia Business Development Team and Technical Department are ready to suggest solutions for any problems or concerns in regard to concrete structures in terms of durability and service life of the structure, impermeable and waterproof concrete, cold joints, etc. We are committed to promoting Performance-Based Specifications to achieve the solutions which meet the concrete durability performance criteria. We respect the research studies and experimental investigations which is confirmed by more than 150 experimental, case studies and independent testing reports available via our website.
Xypex crystalline formation becomes an integral part of the concrete and provides a completely sealed and impermeable concrete. By using Xypex products there will not be a need to apply any other form of a waterproofing system.
Xypex controls permeability which is a key link to enhance the durability, long-term structural integrity, protective capacity and aesthetic qualities of the concrete.
The impermeable concrete benefits provided by Xypex technology have been integral to architectural planning in projects around the world. Architects who have specified it know that Xypex enhances concrete performance in all aspects.

Xypex Australia understands your business and your requirements. The Xypex Australia Technical Department and Business Development Team are ready to suggest solutions for any problems or concerns in regard to concrete structures in terms of durability and service life of the structure, impermeable and waterproof concrete, cold joints etc. We are committed to promoting Performance-Based Specifications to achieve solutions which meet the concrete durability performance criteria. We respect research studies and experimental investigations which is confirmed by more than 150 experimental, case studies and independent testing reports available via our website.
Xypex crystalline formation becomes an integral part of the concrete and provides a completely sealed and impermeable concrete. By using Xypex products there will not be a need to apply any form of a waterproofing system.
Xypex controls permeability which is a key link to enhance the durability, long-term structural integrity, protective capacity and aesthetic qualities of the concrete. By preventing the penetration of aggressive chemicals, Xypex Crystalline Technology helps control the problems of sulphate attack, leaching, alkaline aggregate reaction, carbonation and chloride induced corrosion.
As an admixture, Xypex Admix will not only positively affect the fresh and hardened concrete properties such as workability, air entrainment, and strength of the concrete as formulated in the mix design and target strength, but also, test results confirm that Xypex crystalline formation enhances the durability properties of hardened concrete significantly. Concrete with Xypex Admix is still handled, placed, finished and cured as usual. In other words, concrete containing Xypex Admix still behaves like concrete.
Some significant engineering performances of the Xypex Crystalline Technology are expressed as follows:
- Xypex Resists Extreme Hydrostatic Pressure
- Xypex Resists Aggressive Chemicals
- Xypex Provides High Chloride Protection for Marine Structures
- Xypex Protects Steel Reinforcement from Corrosion (by increasing chloride threshold level by drying the concrete around the steel reinforcement)

Xypex concrete products have been tested and proven by applicators around the world for more than forty years.
Xypex Admix C-Series is a specialty product that is blended into the concrete at the time of batching. It outperforms other methods because of its unique ability to become an integral part of the concrete matrix.
As an admixture, Xypex Admix C-Series will not only positively affect the fresh and hardened concrete properties such as workability and concrete strength. Our test results confirm that Xypex crystalline formation enhances the durability properties of hardened concrete significantly. Concrete with Xypex Admix C-Series is still handled, placed, finished and cured as usual. In other words, concrete containing Xypex Admix C-Series still behaves like concrete.
Xypex products are suitable for both new and existing concrete structures requiring repair or rehabilitation. Typical applications of Xypex product in a remedial scenarios include crack repair, spalling repair and surface protection.
The Xypex crystalline system for concrete waterproofing and protection is substantially different from traditional barrier products (membranes, cementitious coatings, etc):
- Xypex creates a crystalline structure deep within the pores and capillary tracts of the concrete mass to prevent the penetration of water and aggressive chemicals. In contrast, barrier type products function only at the surface of concrete.
- Because Xypex is not dependent on surface adhesion to achieve its waterproofing effect, it is resistant to extreme hydrostatic pressure.
- Xypex seals hairline cracks up to 0.4 mm.
- Xypex is not subject to the deterioration problems encountered by membranes.
- Xypex is designed to be permanent and reactivates whenever water is present.
The key benefits of Xypex Products for Contractors:
- Step-by-step application instructions
- Enhance jobsite productivity
- Save time, build faster
- Reduce labour and workmanship issues

Concrete, by its very nature lies open to the persistent challenges of water, chemicals and a wide variety of harsh environments. Xypex Admix C-Series meets these challenges before they become problems by making the concrete impermeable and enhancing its durability...right from the start
The unique features of Xypex Admix are able to make the concrete impermeable and durable from the start – from the moment it’s poured. Blending Xypex Admix into the concrete at the time of batching can also provide better cost control. Construction schedules can be accelerated and cost savings realized by eliminating most of the time and labour costs associated with traditional waterproofing methods.
Xypex Admix is added to the concrete mix at time of batching. The sequence of procedures for addition of the Admix powder will vary depending on the type of batch plant operation and equipment e.g. ready-mix plant (dry batch operation), ready-mix plant (central mix operation), or pre-cast batch plant.
The key benefits of Xypex Products for Concrete Producers:
- Technical support is tailored to your requirements
- Maximise your profit per unit
- Create a watertight, impermeable concrete
- Are Compatible with SCM’s
- Are Compatible with chemical admixtures such as superplasticiser, water-reducers, and air-entrainment
NOTE: It should be noted that the use of set-retarders admixtures at recommended dosage rates may cause further extension of setting time when used with Xypex Admix. Consult with a Xypex technical representative for assistance in determining which Xypex Admix to use and the appropriate dosage rate.
Chalking or powder at the surface of a concrete slab is called dusting. It dusts because the wearing surface is weak, generally caused by the finishing operation performed over bleed water on the surface, or insufficient or no curing of the surface. These faults will result in a soft concrete surface, which will easily dust under traffic.
Xypex Quickset can provide a quick and easy solution to this common issue that faces Concrete Pre-mix companies, caused mainly by poor placement practices. Xypex Quickset is a water-soluble liquid blend of silicates, neutralizers and penetrating agents specially compounded to harden, dustproof and seal the surfaces of fresh or newly cured concrete floors.
Applied to the concrete surface, Xypex Quickset penetrates into the capillaries of the concrete substrate and chemically reacts with the free lime and calcium carbonate to form a hard, insoluble gel within the pores, thus closing off the small voids. Quickset provides superior hardening and a dustproof finish.