Xypex Megamix I
XYPEX MEGAMIX I is a thin parge coat for the waterproofing and resurfacing of vertical or masonry or concrete surfaces, as a cap coat for Xypex Concentrate, or as an architectural rendering.
Megamix I is a unique blend of Portland cement, treated silica sand, fibres and proprietary chemicals. It is mixed with Xycrylic Admix to produce an enhanced bond. Megamix I is applied by brush or trowel up to a thickness of 10 mm.
The high-performance characteristics of Megamix I are enhanced by Xypex's unique crystalline waterproofing and protection technology.
For patching or resurfacing deteriorated concrete, requiring a thicker application (between 10 mm to 50 mm) refer to the product data sheet for Xypex Megamix II.

Xypex Megamix I complies with the requirements of:
- AS/NZS 4020:2005, Testing of products for use in contact with Drinking Water