Xypex Australia’s Vision is to support and drive “Environmental Awareness” in the delivery of best practises, in providing sustainable and durable solutions that meet our Clients’ needs in maintaining the structural integrity of their Concrete Assets. Providing sustainability in concrete infrastructure has been at the forefront of our business operations for the past 29 years. Determined to make a difference within the Construction Industry and lead by example, it was imperative to challenge our business practises by undergoing a thorough and lengthy audit process to achieve our GreenTag Certification.
Xypex Australia are the proud holder of GreenRate Level A GreenTag Certification, with this came the recognition of our Xypex Admix C-1000NF and Admix C-5000, Modified and Concentrate being approved as Level A rating, further testing has now included Megamix II, which also achieved a GreenRate Level A rating.
The endorsement by GreenTag highlights the progressive nature of Xypex Australia, continuing to show Industry Leadership, and their focus on the importance of sustainability and the reduction of Greenhouse gas emissions.