Bio-San C500 : Wastewater Treatment Plant Remediation

A specialised Xypex solution was specified for a Wastewater Treatment plant Prefermenter Tank exhibiting signs of corrosion. An inspection was undertaken where signs of exposed aggregate and loss of cement paste to the top 500mm of the tank was evident due to prolonged exposure to harsh waste water conditions. It was highlighted that the solution required would be able to resist H2S and sulphate attacks whilst improving the durability of the concrete and extending the service life of the structure in this aggressive environment.

Xypex’s Megamix II with BioSan was installed by an approved applicator to provide protection from Microbial Induced Corrosion combining Xypex BioSan Antimicrobial technology with our high build crystalline repair mortar with the ability to permanently block pores, capillaries and microcracks. Delivering an impermeable integrated repair system that cannot be punctured, damaged or lose adhesion.