Main Roads Western Australia are tasked with the construction and maintenance of all arterial roads outside of local Government Authority in Western Australia and are continually striving to protect their considerable investment from the attack of chemicals and corrosion. With the need to extend the life of the concrete in small span box culverts Main Roads Western Australia examined the use of concrete additives to achieve this without the need to increase concrete cover.
After extensive discussions and testing the use of XYPEX Admix C-5000 has been approved by Main roads Western Australia for this purpose and is now included on their specification for these products. This is a major move for Xypex in Western Australia and is seen as a justification of how Xypex is able to perform in aggressive conditions such as found in the mid-west of the state with high acid sulphate soils and constant inundation and drying from local floods. So far the results have been impressive and the use of XYPEX Admix C-5000 has provided protection from chloride and sulphate attack and will improve the life of the concrete in these type of environments.